Saturday, December 5, 2020

Evolution - Change - Coping with Chaos

Back to work this week and feeling pretty good.  It was short week of only four days and only a few appointments but plenty of paperwork to do. I did feel by taking a short sabbatical from the day to day  I have lost my drive. The pressure I create for myself day to day doing what I do. Always planting seeds for future and harvesting those planted last month of last year today. 

I thank God that business is good even though it seems to world in a ball rolling down a hill right now.  Half the country holding their breath waiting for January 20th and the other half wishing the fake news was true and their man of the hour isn't out on his ear. The last thing my brother-in-law said to me before left was  "there will be riots in the street when this election is reversed." I said nothing took his gift of mega toilet paper and left.

I understand where they are coming from and why they are attracted to this wild west form of charisma.  We  have been at a stalemate for a long time and then we have a guy that comes in and says "who cares about the rules this is my town and I will do what I want!" It feels refreshing to have a leader who totally throws out everything our democracy is built on. This is also called a dictatorship. 

At this point the momentum has built up and the mob mentality has taken over. We want to believe none of this is real including the virus. We want to live in denial so we follow his lead.  I was there while I was living with alcoholism and it is how I coped with the reality of my life. I wanted to believe this charismatic person who told me not to belief my own eyes. The alternative was to see my dream and future was ending so I went along.  

When dealing with something we just can't bring ourselves to face we can create a world of our own. We won't let any information that might crumble any portion of our fantasy. It is too scary to face the truth. With today's media we can select the truth we want to believe and the algorithms will send us what we want to hear to keep us watching and buying products being advertised there.

After watching the pictures the crowd gathering at the bar on Staten Island I thought those who use alcohol to curb the anxiety of life must be going nuts as seen by these pictures. We don't have great coping skills for the regular problems of life and what we are facing now far exceeds the problems of the past. 

The mind cannot cope and living in a fantasy is how a lot of people are making it day to day. The deaths are just numbers on the screen and if they aren't our loved ones then we can dismiss them as not real. Just like when war casualties are announced it seems faraway. It is our brains way of putting what we feel we can't control aside so we can survive.

It is real for those people who have lost someone in this fight. Losing someone close to you will change your life forever. The death of my own mother to cancer changed the course of my life forever. I have never felt safe in this world. My belief in a God to protect me from harm didn't exist anymore. If my mother was taken after dedicating her life to God then what hope did the rest of us have. 

I am definitely not all doom and gloom and I realize that what we are experiencing now is evolution.  The ups and downs of growth and growth is painful. The old guard is seeing there time passing and they are freaking out. It is uncomfortable to know your time is ending and you have to hold on no matter what. They will morph into something else as we all do when life forces us to change.  

This too shall pass.  One step forward and one step back. This time has shown us what happens when one person decides to not follow protocol established by the wisdom of past leaders. Doing what is decent and right for everyone. Luckily we have laws even if they are being tested everyday and so far they are holding. Embrace change we will make it. 




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