Monday, March 23, 2020

Isolation - Reflection - Projects

We are still open at work.  I am off today because this is my regular day off.  We stayed open on Saturday and no one came in so we closed early.  We are having a meeting with the owner tomorrow to discuss the plan the residential sales people.

In our group some people have a few active jobs but I don't have much going on.  I feel peaceful right now and glad that I have a number of projects to do around my house.  Luckily I have a habit of getting excited about something and then going out and buying the supplies I need to make it happen. I usually have to go back to work before I can get started so I have a lot of projects waiting for me. This time will give me the opportunity to get some things done.  Who knew procrastination would actually be a good thing.

Yesterday I was able to pressure wash my driveway.  I had planned to do this two weeks ago but I couldn't get the pressure washer started. After a half dozen YouTube videos and some carburetor cleaner I did finally get it started.  I know it sat too long and this is the kiss of death for small engines I will do better next time. The driveway is nice and clean it was a long overdue project.

Being outside all day was nice even though a little extra quiet.  It reminded me of the days before a hurricane is expected everybody is shutdown listening to the latest news. Our mind is not our friend at these times. It is working to either figure our why this is happening or searching for a solution especially when we have lost our day to day routine.  The routine that distracts us from the fear that lies beneath.

I plan on putting together a daily routine for myself so I don't end up flopped on my bed watching virus numbers on TV or bad movies.  This is a rare moment when the world isn't focused on wanting things and can really evaluate what is really important to them.  This gift of time is rare when no one is expecting anything from us we can just make plans or do nothing.

I know for any small business that relies on physical walk in customers will be devastated. Especially the restaurants where people rely on tips to survive. I started out my life in this industry so I know most places don't value the people working for tips. Without business they don't get paid.

I do believe that this will pass quicker than people imagine once the numbers peak.  Once the quarantine is over we will come to terms with our new normal. We are adaptive and want to get our lives back to a routine as quickly as possible. This isn't 2008 even if the stock market looks like it. I am not saying there won't be significant fall out for some industries but it is not the same.

I hope you are able to take this time and take care of yourselves and your life.  Be grateful to be with people you love and reflect on what is right about your life and maybe what isn't working. I noticed on some of my regular weekly YouTube videos everyone looks so rested. In this country we definitely need to slow down. We move so fast and everyone feels so guilty when they want to rest. This is the perfect opportunity to just rest.

I do have to mention that at least it is spring instead of winter so we can be inspired by nature's new beginnings. Keep safe and know that spending time at home alone will not kill you and may actually save your life quite literally.

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