Sunday, January 24, 2021

Moving on - Do you really want to know or are you just being polite?

I am having a hard time today.  I sent a text that will end a relationship with someone I was doing business with personally. I have been thinking about it for a few weeks now and know that it will come as a surprise to them. As I mentioned in a previous post I got a text the day the capitol was attacked saying glory to God and that the guys doing it were not real citizens but hired by the government. That now history has been made and the election was truly stolen and he was forced to give that speech. 

This was so sad for me at the time and I really didn't know how to react. I don't understand how people can even try to bring God or Jesus into the political hate being spread. I can only sum it up to the situation at hand with everyone afraid and lonely wanting to be on the right side of something. We want someone to blame for what is happening. We can't blame a disease if we pick an enemy and God is on our side we can live feeling secure. Just like the movies they are bad we are good.

I wanted to say a lot of things but I do believe people are entitled to whatever beliefs they want to have unless it affects me personally like trying to over throw the government.  I also believe it is my right to spend my money where I want to spend it. You can't convince another person they are wrong if they are dug in.  I like what Al-Anon teaches attraction not promotion.

In this case I did feel that I had to express my sadness that so many people have been deceived by a man that promotes only hate and would rather try to end democracy to keep from looking like a loser. In the text I did say that I did trust God and Christ's message of love for everyone. I thanked them for their talents and wished them the best.

It was hard for me to send this message but I am at peace with it.  I have used their service for a year giving support towards a business that has been hit hard by covid but I think it was time for me to move on. I live mostly surrounded by people with opposite views from me and they all assume I am just like them. This is fine unless they ask me specifically what I think. I usually ask them "do you really want to know or are you just being polite?"

I have learned to stand up for my beliefs. I was stifled first by my parents who said I ask to many questions. Then my stepmother where any honest word would result in some kind of punishment and of course the alcoholic.  I didn't want to start a war and in the end I was scared I would get physically hurt.

I never pick a fight because I understand the motives of others really have nothing to do with the current situation. They have been formed over many years just like me and carry baggage just like me. I accept where they are coming from until it gets personal and then I have to calmly stand up for myself.

With years of practice I bring peace to where ever I am and this calms people down. I have worked hard to not take things personally and I have worked hard to communicate how I feel when someone crosses a line.  

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