Friday, September 28, 2018

Making Plans - Proof of heaven

I feel a bit under whelmed at the moment.  A lull in the action which is fine with me.  I have been gathering my spirit to see what is next in hopes that I can steer things in a direction that is fun.  Some where past the demanding customers and the remnants of my personal remodel.

I feel good today last night I watched a lecture on YouTube by the guy who wrote "Proof of Heaven" A neurologist that was in a coma for 7 days with no brain function according to the test.  He had a specific experience that he says proved the mind and brain are separate.  The spirit does operate without the brain.

He said where he went it was the music that was the healing force.  He has a business called "Sacred Acoustic".  I checked it out and it is like the delta wave meditation videos.  Those space like sound waves kind of freak me out.  The nights I have fallen asleep with them I have woke up suddenly and turned it off.  I guess I am not ready for deep sound meditation.

I liked his story it gave me hope that there is something more than here.  I also think this kind of thinking is also a trap.  You spend your time focusing on what will be instead making the most of today this minute,  Like the hymn "when we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be".

I want to learn to be happy today and not wish my life away for an end experience.  Maybe the afterlife experiences calms those that fear death.  Death doesn't scare me it is life that keeps me up at night.  After my break I realized that making plans is purely for its entertainment value that counting on a script you produced in your own head will not end well.

Life is made up of a series of things to do each day and who you do those things with.  A great deal of time is spent attending to boring chores or making money to purchase a nicer place to perform those boring chores.  Okay that sounds a little sad.

In my business I create beautiful spaces that does enhance those living there.  It is functional and where people that mostly love each other hang out and I hope make a meal together.  It is worth it to invest in your space because a sad space will make you enjoy those chores even less.

I hope this post isn't too heavy it isn't meant to be I am just sorting things out over here.  I plan on working on my house this weekend putting things in order and making plans.  Ha ha. 

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