Monday, August 27, 2018

shooting - guarding our minds

Another shooting in the news it is disturbing that it is just becoming a normal event in the news.  I think many things can cause a society to turn to violence to solve problems.  We pretend that violence on TV or games or even by police doesn't really send the message that this is how to resolve conflict.

I also don't think you can stop someone who has no regard for their own life from taking as many people with them as they can.  I do think between the time they become angry and the time they take action a lot of thoughts pass through their brain.  Somewhere  they have gotten the idea that this is the only solution. They should get what they want at any cost.  Where does this idea come from?

I recently watched a magician follow a guy all day as he went about his normal errands.  Each stop he either played a certain song or had someone in the store whistle the same song.  At the end of the day as part of the magic act he said "think of a song but don't tell me what it is" then he had the band from the restaurant come outside and play that very song. The guy couldn't believe it.

My point is that our minds are constantly absorbing what is around us.  I think that we need to guard what we casually listen to or watch. The advertisers have known this since the beginning even going as far as subliminal text during commercials. We can't ignore what is being fed to us every minute.

Today everything is instant gratification.  We don't want to wait 3 seconds for something to come up on our phone.  This is setting us up for major life conflicts.  When things don't go our way we can't deal with disappointment.  Combine this with the testosterone and ego and it won't end well.

I didn't know about the shooting until my cousin called me to let me know.  I select what I watch for my own peace of mind. For me knowing bad things are happening doesn't change anything.  It just plants a seed that life is not safe.  The truth is life is not safe but living in fear doesn't make it any safer it just ruins every minute living in fear. 

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