Saturday, April 17, 2010

Waiting Pool

The picture is a peaceful reminder of what calmness looks like. The stillness shown here is something I am experiencing right now. Aptly called a waiting pool ok I know it is wading pool but not for me. I have been in a place of waiting for a long time and I am just now getting comfortable with this place in my life. It is a part of my fourth step. I have always been an impatient person. On the outside it isn’t always obvious but on the inside I am always scanning every situation for efficiency. How can I make this better, what’s the next right step? What should I be doing right now? So this is my character defect. On the positive side of this defect is that I have made a living at making things work. But personally I am experiencing what it is like to have real peace. No where to run to nothing that is life or death. My pool is calm and I am ok with that today. So my character defect is that I am never satisfied it is the human condition.

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