Sunday, February 1, 2015

Food - Life and Extremes

I have been doing nothing but working twelve days straight now. I have plugged back into the matrix and feeling a little guilty but also grateful that I am still able to manage this kind of work load.

What to do next I am not sure I don't want work to be my whole life. Today my only free day I am relaxing and doing things around the house. I have decided to take better care of myself with these the long hours by planning my meals ahead and taking breakfast lunch and dinner with snacks to the office.

This is a new development for me because I have had an off and on love affair with food all my life. and lately it has been off.

The love of food started as a kid I was raised by health nuts we ate organics and my parents juiced their food way back in the 70's.  I do have to say that the recent wave organics is amusing to me like this is a new idea. It is a good one if you can afford it.

I never really left those organic roots and have prepared all my food from scratch since I left home. It only seemed natural that I would married a chef the first time and played the sou chef to him. We cooked for crowds and at one point did some catering. His food made me fat which he regularly pointed out to me.

When he left I stopped eating and mostly watched chefs cook on tv. When I got my life back together and had new love in my life I started cooking again. I really loved cooking and worked on perfecting every possible technique but eventually I got tired of cooking all the time but I didn't know how to break out of the routine I didn't want to disappoint everyone.

When the relationship ended I divorced food again. For the past six years I have survived on protein bars and eating out. I even cooked for my dog but not for myself.

So here I am embracing food again and cooking for myself. I guess I am an all or nothing kind of person. I can admit I do like extremes or at least I like them until they exhaust me and then I have to find some center point.

Today I made a lamb stew with sweet potatoes and dried apricots. It will make for a few good lunches next week. So I guess I am back in love with food.

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